
Consensus Validation Framework


The DataHive consensus validation system ensures data quality and reliability across the distributed network of LN1 nodes through multi-node verification and agreement protocols.

Core Components

Validation Process

Consensus Mechanisms

class ConsensusValidator:
    def __init__(self):
        self.validators = []
        self.threshold = 0.67  # 2/3 majority required
        self.validation_pool = ValidationPool()

    async def validate_entry(self, entry):
        validations = await self.collect_validations(entry)
        consensus = self.calculate_consensus(validations)
        return self.finalize_validation(consensus)

Validation Rules

Document Validation

Network Consensus

Integration Points

Node Communication

Data Processing

Operational Flow

Validation Sequence

  1. Initial node validation
  2. Broadcast to validator pool
  3. Collect validator responses
  4. Calculate consensus result
  5. Update network state

Error Handling

Security Measures

Validation Security

Network Protection

Note: This documentation is subject to updates as the consensus system evolves.