
Data Processing Pipeline


The DataHive processing pipeline handles the transformation of raw legal data into structured, validated knowledge through a series of coordinated operations. This system works in conjunction with the indexing, curation, and validation modules.

Core Components

Processing Engine

class ProcessingEngine:
    def __init__(self):
        self.document_processor = DocumentProcessor()
        self.pattern_analyzer = PatternAnalyzer()
        self.knowledge_extractor = KnowledgeExtractor()

    async def process_document(self, legal_data):
        parsed = await self.document_processor.parse(legal_data)
        patterns = self.pattern_analyzer.detect(parsed)
        return self.knowledge_extractor.extract(patterns)

Processing Stages

Document Intake

Content Analysis

Knowledge Extraction

Integration Points

Indexing System

Validation Layer

Storage System

Quality Controls

Performance Metrics

Quality Assurance

Note: This documentation is subject to updates as the processing system evolves.